Do you lack confidence in the Gym?
Do you doubt yourself each session and find that same self-doubt creeping into other areas of your life?
Does that lack of Confidence make you feel self-conscious, prevent you from utilising your potential and seeing the results you deserve?
Low confidence and high levels of self-doubt can be crippling for anyone wanting to improve their body composition or performance in the Gym.
At PPS our ‘Mission’ is to Create Physiques that Boost Confidence, to help Eliminate Self-Doubt and Build Self-Belief
We pride ourselves on being able to take a complete novice with zero confidence into the Gym, to being a completely competent lifting and goal-achieving machine in no time.
What we enjoy the most about this, is seeing this confidence flow into other areas of our members lives.
Many members of our community can a test to the fact that; once they became more confident in the Gym, their self-belief grew to levels that empowered them to chase their dreams, or do things they would never had done prior - outside the Gym.
Unfortunately listing to a few podcasts or reading self-help books isn’t enough to magically improve someone's confidence in the Gym.
What are our top #3 tips for helping to build Confidence in the Gym?
Set Achievable Goals
Competence comes before Confidence
Train with a Supportive Community
Set Achievable Goals
A lot of people who complain about never hitting their goals in the Gym or feel like they are constantly failing - are simply chasing Goals too far out of reach that will take too long to achieve.
It’s important to have long-term goals in the Gym, but we recommend breaking it down into micro-goals that are very achievable.
Every time you achieve a goal you feel a sense of accomplishment and this sense of accomplishment will become your mind's way of telling you:
“You are capable of achieving your targets you set your mind to”
As you achieve more and more micro goals, your confidence will improve. You will be then able to increase their difficulty over time and be more audacious, which will lead you to your larger goals or ultimate outcome.
Competence comes before Confidence
Think of your Confidence as a muscle in the Gym just as you would your chest, biceps or legs. They all need constant stimulation to grow, just as your Confidence does. You can’t fake muscle growth and you can’t fake confidence either - just like muscle, it really is an emotion that needs to be earned and developed over time.
You need to become competent at any skill to become confident in performing it.
If you train frequently in the gym, with good habits performed consistently over time, you will not only grow muscle but become a very skilled or competent lifter. That increased level of skill will help you display greater levels of Confidence in the Gym.
Think of what skills you need to become competent in, to help you become more confident in the Gym.
Train in a Supportive Community
If you surround yourself with people who are; unsupportive, critical or negative towards you, naturally you are going to struggle to develop self-confidence in the Gym.
Find a community of like-minded people who understand your struggles, bring you up when you are down and this will have a profound effect of your confidence in the Gym.
It can be as simple as a compliment when you are unsure of yourself or your progress in the Gym, which can switch your mindset from positive to negative in an instant. Or hearing people cheer and clap for you, when you think you have nothing left in the tank on your last set of Squats - can make a world of difference for your Confidence.
Self-Confidence can be contagious and when you are surrounded by supportive, positive people - that energy can flow to those around you.
By setting yourself confidence building goals, developing high levels of competence and surrounding yourself with the right people you will become a far more confidence person in the Gym and achieve heights you never thought were possible.
Click the button below to apply for a free ‘Training & Performance Starter’ pack which includes;
An Initial Consultation, Body-Composition Assessment & Goal Setting Session with our Team to gain greater Clarity & Guidance with your Training Goals: