Improve your strength & body composition while spending only 3 x hours per week in the gym
"You need to be a 'Gym Junkie' and train 5 - 6 x days per week for 2 - 3 hours to see strength & body composition results in the gym..."
"I don't have time for that, so why bother!?"
Think Quality over Quantity
It is not about how often or how long you train.
It is about the quality of your training sessions.
You can get stronger and transform your body training only 3 x per week if you train with the right intensity.
Tip #1: Full Body Workouts
Ditch the 'Bro Splits' or 'Body Part Splits' (i.e. Chest or Glute Day).
Follow a "Full Body" Program 3 x Per Week.
Benefits Of Full-Body Workouts:
You train each body part 3 x per week
Greater recovery between sessions
Improved performance
More time efficient
Tip #2: Train Closer to Failure
Make each set count with the limited time you can spend in the gym.
Training with the right intensity is crucial for Hypertrophy (muscle growth). Each workout set should be completed with barely 2 - 3 x reps left in the tank.
If you are a busy person performing sets of 10 reps with a weight, you could do 20 -25 reps. This isn't the best use of your time.
1 - 2 sets of an exercise performance closer to failure is better than 3 - 4 time-wasting sets at a lighter weight.
Tip #3 "Bang for Buck" Exercises
Spend more time training movements that work the most muscle groups in one hit.
For example
And a little less time training flashy isolation movements that provide less ROI on your time spent in the gym.
Tip #4 Supersets
Pair exercises together that work opposing muscle groups and perform as a superset to save time.
For example:
Incline Dumbbell Press (Chest) Superset with Bent Over Barbell Row (Back)
Supersets can save you a tonne of time and keep you focused in the gym.
Tip #5 Time Your Rest Breaks
Set a timer for your rest breaks to keep you accountable during training.
Your rest breaks should be long enough to reduce fatigue and improve performance...
But, they shouldn't be long enough that you have time to send an important work email or watch a funny video on Youtube.
Bonus Tip: Turn your phone off or keep it on airplane mode during training to limit distractions.
Enquire about our subscription-based programming packages for busy everyday people
For less than $10 per week, we will do the thinking for you and provide you with monthly strength & body composition programs that are time efficient and easy to follow. Enter your details below to learn more: