"Good" - How to Keep a Positive Mindset in the gym

One of my favourite books of recent time is “Tools Of The Titans” - Tim Ferris; which is a great book that is actually made up of various contributions from other successful entrepreneurs, movies stars and athletes etc.

My favourite chapter from the book, and probably the most useful piece of material I have learned and been able to implement over the last 10 months is titled “Good” - Jocko Willink (Navy Seal)


“Good” is a very useful tactic I use every day to deal with stress and overwhelm when things don’t go my way. “Good” is something I would love for you all to try when life throws you a few curve-balls as well.

Use “Good” to describe every negative situation that is happening to you right now.

I’m big on positive thinking or positive energy to attract positive outcomes. And simply using the word “Good”, as taught in this chapter when sh*t happens has proven to be a very useful tool in my life.

Here’s some ‘real life’ examples that may help you:

“Unexpected problem!?...
...GOOD, I have the opportunity to figure out a solution...”

“I’ve just lost my job!!
...GOOD, now I can focus on upskilling and finding the right job for me...”

“My partner has just broken up with me!
...GOOD, now I have the chance to meet the right person...”

Now here’s some more ‘gym life’ oriented examples:

(As I notice a lot of our members are very prone to ‘beating yourselves up’ when things don’t go right for in training or at check-time)

“I missed my Squat goal at strength testing…
...GOOD, now I have the chance to get even stronger for next time...”

“I blew-out  my diet last night and binged!
...GOOD, I needed that and now I am more focused than ever to get back on track”

“I’m injured and have to miss training!
….GOOD I can focus on rehabbing my weak areas and come back even better...”

Moral of the story:

Sh*t happens; I feel that over the past 24 months, since starting PPS I’ve learned a lot of tactics to deal with sh*t happening. This in-turn has helped limit the negative effects and helped me grow from the sh*t.

Like with any business in start up it’s never smooth sailing. But upon reflection, I have realised how valuable this one word has been for me and how it has still helped me achieve my goals (both personal and business) in the past two years.

Using the ‘GOOD’ tactic and focusing on what I can control has proven to be the most effective ‘Mindset Hack’ I have ever learned. If you find that the sh*t that life throws at you drags you down and affects your progress in the gym, I would love you to start using this tactic yourself.

Next time Sh*t happens, find the GOOD that’s come of it and focus on that.

Johnny Allen-Howes
(Founder/Director - Physique Performance Specialists)