How to Conquer Your Nutrition During Lockdown

Have you found it hard to keep your diet in check while working and training from home?

If the answer is ‘Absolutely’..

Then you aren’t alone.Sticking to our nutrition was already hard enough before gyms and work places closed across Australia, now the challenge has become even greater…

Letting our diet slip while in isolation will not only have negative effects on our waistline..

If we were to rely on ‘comfort food’ and binge eat…

We would see severe impacts on our mental and emotional health which can be more damaging than the affect on our body composition during these tough times.

The PPS Guide To Staying Motivated While Training From Home

At-home and Online training may have it’s limitations in the long-term, especially if training on your own, it’ll be understandable to start lacking motivation once winter hits and the original hype of training at home wears off.

To help you stay fit, healthy and mentally strong during the lockdown period, we have our Top #3 tips for staying motivated when training at home in isolation:

The 'Hard-Gainers' Guide to Gaining Muscle

“I just can’t seem to gain weight, no matter how much I eat - I’m a ‘hardgainer’, it’s in my genetics!” - Is this you?

I understand how you feel, I’ve been there before.I was also once the guy who thought he was allergic to gaining muscle. I thought I had my nutrition all under control; but was constantly frustrated by my lack of progress in the gym, on the scales and in front of the mirror.
I was doing everything the gurus online had told me to; eating 6 x clean meals per day, smashing back ‘mass-gaining’ shakes and following a high protein diet.

But after almost 12-months, I looked nothing like them - I almost gave up…